B'nei Mitzvah
Acquiring the title of Bat Mitzvah or Bar Mitzvah or B'nei Mitzvah (that is, “responsible for the Commandments”) signifies a young person is at last skilled and mature enough to take part in the sacred obligations of Jewish life. This beautiful celebration takes place during a Shabbat Morning service including taking part in some public mitzvot for the very first time: presenting a Torah lesson to the Congregation, chanting from the Torah and Haftarah (prophetic) portions for the week, and leading parts of the service.
Formal study and experiential learning is involved in preparing to celebrate becoming a bar or bat or b'nei mitzvah, including: studying Hebrew, attending services, learning about the Bible and Jewish literature, mastering Torah cantillation, and more. A special feeling of strengthened Jewish identity and inclusion in the community develops as students and their families make new friends, participate together in social, learning, and community service activities, and join in each other’s s’machot (happy events).
Family plays a vital role in preparation, in partnership with the Beth Israel staff, in supporting their child’s learning and involvement. Many families find a renewed sense of Judaism in their homes and in synagogue participation as they study together and experience more of what it means to live an active Jewish life!
Volunteer hours and Shabbat service attendance are being logged in your personal Google Drive folder now. Please contact Sarah Avner if you have any questions.
Students wishing to become Bar or Bat or B'nei Mitzvah at CBI must be enrolled in our religious school program and
family must be Congregation Beth Israel members in good standing.
Quick Links:
- B'nei Mitzvah Handbook 2024-2025
- Mitzvah Project Appendix
- Honors Form
- The parent blessing for the Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Please contact Cantorial Soloist Sarah Avner, at savner@bethisrael.org, or 512 454-6806 to set up a time to talk
on the phone or in person. We look forward to getting to know you!