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Grades K-5

We are a proud ISJL Education Partner!
To learn more about the Goldring Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life,

The ISJL Education Curriculum is a spiraled curriculum, in which students revisit key content areas with increased sophistication as they progress through the curriculum. The ISJL is continually updating the curriculum not only to add content, but also to ensure it's in line with current educational best practices and ever-evolving pedagogical understanding.

The ten key content areas are: Community, Culture and Symbols, God, Hebrew and Prayer, Israel, Jewish History, Jewish Holidays, Jewish Lifecycle Events, Mitzvot and Jewish Values, and TaNaKh (Torah, Prophets, and Writings).


In addition to spending class time on core curricular topics, teachers place a strong emphasis on community-building throughout the year. Team building exercises, name games, and positive classroom management techniques are used to help students create friendships and feel connected in positive ways to their Jewish teachers and peers. Our favorite way to start class is with a quick share of “Joys & Oys” from the week!

T'filah (Prayer)

All students in Kindergarten and First grade begin by meeting their teacher for an age-appropriate T'filah (prayer) service each Sunday from 9-9:25 a.m. before heading to class. Parents are always welcome to stay and participate in T'filah!

All students in Second - Fifth grade attend T'filah together at the end of class from 10:30-11 a.m. 


Each class participates in a full rotation of our special sessions each semester. These sessions include Art, Music, and Rabbi Visits

Quick Links

Click Here to Register!

Register for the 24-25 School Year before classes fill!


Hebrew for 3rd - 6th Grade

Wednesdays, In Person or Online 
Check out more information on our mid-week Hebrew school!


Please contact Carly Cera, Director of Education and Engagement, at, or 512 454-6806 to set up a time to talk on the phone or in person. We look forward to getting to know you and your kids!

You do not have to become a member of Congregation Beth Israel to attend our youth education program, although membership is strongly encouraged and welcomed.

Tue, January 14 2025 14 Tevet 5785