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The Z Word - Yom Kippur 5785

10/12/2024 12:00:00 AM


Rabbi Kelly Levy

I was 16 years old the very first time I landed at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv. It was the summer of 2002, still in the midst of the Second Intifada. The previous summer, that same Israel trip was cancelled due to violence and the concern that the program couldn’t keep the teens safe. The summer prior to that, 1500 teens...Read more...

Board President Remarks - Kol Nidre 5785

10/11/2024 12:00:59 AM


Sarah Holland

Click to view the president remarks from Sarah Holland.



What Yom HaZikaron Really Means - Kol Nidre 5785

10/11/2024 12:00:00 AM


Rabbi David Young

Tonight we begin Yom Hazikaron. Yom Kippur goes by several names in biblical and rabbinic parlance. It is called Yom Ha-Kippurim, The Day of atonements; Yom HaDin, The Day of Judgment; Shabbat Shabbaton, the sabbath of sabbaths; and even, Yom HaZikaron, the Day of Memory.

The theme of remembrance on Yom Kippur is geared less toward life like on Rosh Hashanah and more toward death....Read more...

A Different View of Isaac - Rosh Hashanah 5785

10/03/2024 12:00:00 AM


Rabbi David Young

Isaac is neurodivergent.

I do not say this to make fun of him or to insult him in any way. Isaac has something about him that makes him different. I have never liked referring to anyone as “on the spectrum,” because if it’s a spectrum we’re all on it, and that phrase is therefore not descriptive at all. So I am thankful that people smarter than I have brought...Read more...

The State of the (Jewish) Union - Rosh Hashanah 5785

10/02/2024 12:00:00 AM


Rabbi Kelly Levy

My fellow Congregation Beth Israel community: the state of the Jewish people across the world is precarious. We are on the precipice of something extraordinary. Potentially something great. Or possibly grave. We don’t know exactly which direction we’re currently heading, and that sense of the unknown is deeply...Read more...

Give a Damn - Yom Kippur 5784

09/25/2023 12:00:00 AM


Rabbi Kelly Levy

Only one month ago, we stood on this beautiful bimah and celebrated the first Shabbat in our newly renovated Smith Auditorium. Now our transitional sanctuary, we’ve experienced many joyful moments, even in such a short period of time. In fact, the very first simcha, or joyful moment, occurred the first Saturday morning when we returned to Smith. On that bright and lovely day, we...Read more...

Ah, The Zusha Story - Kol Nidre 5784

09/24/2023 12:00:00 AM


Rabbi Steven Folberg

Dear Friends,

A few weeks ago, we held our first Sunday School session. It wasn't a full Sunday, but each class got an hour with their teacher to say hello. So, on opening day, I had a chance to hang out for about an hour with the Confirmation Class of 5784.

Before going into...

Finding Rest Amidst Chaos - Rosh Hashanah 5784

09/16/2023 12:00:00 AM


Rabbi Kelly Levy

Once upon a time, there was a woman who thought she had it all. She built up a successful career that allowed her to do meaningful work. She had a loving husband who supported her every move. She had sweet children whom she loved dearly and did everything she could to spend time with them, to be there for every major event, to show her love for them with actions...Read more...

No Crying In Baseball - Rosh Hashanah 5784

09/15/2023 12:00:00 AM


Rabbi Steven Folberg

Good yuntif, everyone, and Shanah Tovah!

Most of the time, I don't get to watch a lot of TV. Fortunately, our college junior, Shira, was home for the summer, and she and I bonded over some streaming TV series. We became especially fond of the Amazon remake of A League of Their Own, starring Abbi Jacobson, Chanté Adams and...Read more...

Parashat Nitzavim - Yom Kippur 5782

09/16/2021 12:00:00 AM


Rabbi Steven Folberg

Dear Friends,
In keeping with time honored Jewish tradition, I want to pose a question that has no wrong answer: “What is a Jew?” Or, to pose the question another way, if I ask you, right now, to picture a Jew, what image comes to mind?

As I said a moment ago, there is no carved in stone answer to this question, and there are two reasons for that. First, there’s no single, official recipe for baking a Jewish identity cake....Read more...

You Turn My Mourning Into Dancing - Rosh Hashanah 5782

09/07/2021 12:00:00 AM


Rabbi Kelly Levy

Believe. This simple, yet substantive word is packed with meaning. It’s filled with emotion. It speaks to a higher level of connection, connection with others, connection with yourself, connection with the beyond. It’s powerful. It’s commanding. It’s also the word taped above Coach Ted Lasso’s office door.

Who is Ted Lasso, you might be thinking? Or, you might be laughing as you picture that bright, yellow sign sitting...Read more...

Get Up, Stand Up, Stand Up for Everyone’s Rights - Yom Kippur 5781

09/28/2020 12:00:00 AM


Rabbi Kelly Levy

Imagine for a moment that you are a person living in another country, a country filled with violence and danger, a place where the government is creating laws that suppress your rights each and every day. Imagine that you and your family are faced with prejudice and anger every day, only because of your religious beliefs, your background, your “disloyalty” to the country. Imagine that you made the brave decision to leave the country, the...Read more...

D'var Torah - Parashat B'Midbar

07/18/2020 12:00:00 AM


Adult B'not Mitzvah Class

Shabbat Shalom!

The Israelite community, by the end of the Book of Exodus, has magnificently escaped the clutches of Pharoah in Egypt and are free, yet living in rough and wild country. Still, they have managed to create a beautiful tabernacle, a mishkan, to not only house their sacred tablets but to commune with their one god as they endeavor to fight their way to the promised land. The third book of Torah, Leviticus, is mainly...Read more...

What Does it Really Mean to be Pro-Life?

05/24/2019 12:00:00 AM


Rabbi Kelly Levy

I have been very fortunate in my life. For 33 years, I have known that women could obtain essentially any job they desire (well, with one major exception, but we’re working on that). As I became an adult, I knew that anyone could marry whomever they loved, regardless of gender. And now, we are continuing to understand the broad spectrum of gender identity and gender fluidity, something that has become more apparent as the years go...Read more...

Invocation at the Texas Senate

05/22/2019 12:00:00 AM


Rabbi Kelly Levy

Click to view Rabbi Levy's Invocation on the Texas Impact's Youtube Channel



Parashat Noach - #MeToo

10/20/2017 12:00:00 AM


Rabbi Steven Folberg

Dear Friends,
Yesterday morning, I decided that I wanted to talk tonight about the current “#metoo” Internet hashtag through which women have been identifying themselves as victims of sexually abusive male behavior. But there are two things that nearly persuaded me to find something else, something more benign and less disturbing, to talk about tonight.

The first is that reading those “#metoo” hashtag posts of female...Read more...

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785