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Life Cycle Events

From birth to death, Jewish tradition provides meaningful ways to acknowledge both the joyous and challenging events in our lives. Our ancient traditions, especially when seen through a modern lens, can bring additional significance to these times and help us through periods of difficulty.


Our clergy are here to assist you with life cycle ceremonies and rituals relating to:

Birth and Baby/Child Naming
Our clergy will help you create a meaningful ceremony marking your child’s entrance into God’s covenant with the Jewish people, including guidance regarding their Hebrew name and ritual circumcision (called a bris or brit milah).
For information regarding scheduling a Bris or Baby/Child Naming Ceremony or for questions about Jewish traditions relating to the birth or adoption of a baby, please contact the Clergy Office at 512-454-6806. 

B'nei Mitzvah
When a child turns thirteen years old, they become an adult in the eyes of the Jewish community and can take part in the obligations that come along with becoming part of the community. In order for Jewish teenagers to mark this special transition to Jewish adulthood, we provide opportunities for them to learn about and embrace their tradition through learning how to read/chant from the Torah and Haftarah (Jewish sacred texts) and assist in leading the congregation in worship.

For online B’nei Mitzvah information, please click here. For questions regarding our B’nei Mitzvah program, please contact the Clergy Office at (512) 454-6806.


Uniting two people in marriage is one of the most special events families will share. CBI’s clergy are available for those wishing to celebrate their commitment in a Jewish, or interfaith, wedding ceremony. Our clergy will meet with each couple multiple times before the ceremony to discuss the couple’s future life together and to help craft a special ceremony that is unique for the happy couple.

Before you book your venue, be sure to check in with the clergy office to make sure one of our clergy is available on that date.

Weddings may be scheduled at CBI or at other appropriate venues before Shabbat begins, after Shabbat ends, or on days other than High Holy Days/Festivals. For information regarding having Rabbi Young or Rabbi Levy perform your wedding, please contact the Clergy Office at (512) 454-6806.


Times When We Need Spiritual, Emotional, or Physical Healing
At CBI, we believe it is important to have a spiritual community to reach out to when one needs spiritual, emotional, or physical healing. Both our rabbis and members of our Caring Community perform the mitzvah (commandment) of visiting the sick in both hospitals and at home. Please click here to read about the different ways we can reach out to you via our Caring Community program.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to changes in medical privacy laws, hospitals and medical care providers are no longer allowed to notify religious institutions when their members receive medical services. Please notify the Clergy Office at (512) 454-6806, if you learn that one of our members is sick, or if you would like someone from CBI to call or visit your loved one. 


End of Life Decision-Making
As the end of life approaches, we understand that many people may have questions about Jewish tradition and ritual practice. Consequently, our rabbis are here to assist you privately with end-of-life decision-making from a Jewish perspective. To reach one of our rabbis to discuss end-of-life decision-making, please contact the Clergy Office at (512) 454-6806.

Should your family suffer a loss, or is facing the loss of a loved one, our rabbis are here to help you in your time of need. Not only do our rabbis perform funerals, but they also provide spiritual counseling preceding and following a loved one’s passing if requested.

Additionally, should you want to request that traditional burial rituals be followed for your loved one, CBI is fortunate to have a  Chevra Kadisha (meaning “holy society”) consisting of dedicated member-volunteers trained to perform taharah (ritual purification before burial). Chevra Kadisha members also serve as shomrim (guardians) for families in our community who choose to follow this traditional practice. Furthermore, our rabbis can arrange for shiva minyanim (services in your home following burial) should you choose (even if your loved one is buried out of town). Finally, an additional benefit of membership is that CBI members can purchase burial plots at CBI’s Cemeteries at a substantially-reduced rate. Please click here for additional information about CBI’s three Cemeteries.

To reach one of our rabbis regarding a pending or recent loss, scheduling funerals and shiva minyanim, and distributing death announcements, please contact the Clergy Office at (512) 454-6806.

Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785