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Shavuot, or the Feast of Weeks, is a grain harvest festival and a celebration of God giving the Torah to the Israelites on Mt Sinai. The seven-week timeframe between Passover and Shavuot is significant because Passover is about the Exodus from Egypt, and seven weeks later, they were given Torah.

  • Traditions: Reading Ruth, studying all night (Tikkun Leil Shavuot), and eating a festive meal with lots of dairy

  • Greeting: Chag Shavuot Sameach! or Happy Shavuot!

  • Shavuot 101: A quick guide to Shavuot


It’s all about dairy on Shavuot, for many reasons: the introduction of Kashrut, Israel being described as a land flowing with milk and honey, King Solomon’s description of Torah: “Like honey and milk, it lies under your tongue.” Whatever the reason, Baruch Hashem and pass the Tums.

  • Blintz Soufflés: Want to try a different take on the blintz? Want to make lunch and dessert in the same batch? If you’ve got ramekins, Jamie Geller has a recipe for you that can be sweet or savory.

  • Cheese Bourekas: If you want something easy that the kids can join in making (and consuming), try these puffy little cheese bites. Delicious.


In addition to CBI events, you can make the holiday fun for your kids at home by:

  • Plant fruits, veggies, and flowers - Shavuot is also an agricultural holiday so it’s a perfect time to plant some vegetables or flowers. You may also want to decorate your home with plants.

  • Discuss what it means to choose Judaism - Ruth was a Jew-by-choice, and whether you were born Jewish or converted, you still choose Judaism and Jewish culture. Discussion questions to get started: What does it mean to actively choose Judaism? Why did you choose Judaism? How do we make choices in our observance?

More easy-to-do ideas can be found on Kveller’s website, many of which can be done with things you probably already have in the house!


Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785