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CBI's Weekly Worship and Study Schedule

Keep up with in-person and online programming, by subscribing to our weekly e-bulletin!

👫 In-person | 🖥️ Online | 👫🖥️ Both

5:30pm Family Shabbat Service, 1st Friday of each month - CBI Smith Auditorium👫🖥 

6:30pm Erev Shabbat Service, every Friday 
- CBI Smith Auditorium 👫🖥

9:00am Torah Study, every Saturday - CBI Board Room
Weekly Zoom Meeting

9:00am Tot Shabbat, 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month- cdc@cbi Living Room 
For more information, contact: Carly Cera, 

10:30am Shabbat Morning Service, every Saturday- CBI Smith Auditorium👫🖥

Service Descriptions

Erev (Evening) Shabbat Service
Our Friday evening Shabbat service led by our clergy. Kaddish will be recited.

Shabbat Morning Torah Study
Our always highly interactive and illuminating Torah Study is still interactive online! A Discussion on the weekly Torah portion is led by one of our rabbis or a Guest from the community.

Shabbat Morning Service
Shabbat Morning Service led by our Clergy. Many weeks this service is co-led by one of our B'nei Mitzvah students. Other times this service may be led by one of our amazing Lay Leaders. Kaddish will be recited.

**These Shabbat programs listed below are specially designed with kids in mind!

Family Shabbat Service
Ideal for families with kids in Kinder through 5th grade, this service is about 40 minutes and very musical!

Tot Shabbat (5 & under)
Our Clergy members alternate leading our fun and engaging Tot Shabbat service for children under 5.

PJ Havdalah (5 & under)
Wear your PJs and join us for music and a story! In-person we will also do a small craft We will end with a beautiful Havdalah service to say goodbye to Shabbat. Led by our Youth Director and a member of our Clergy.


Thu, October 10 2024 8 Tishrei 5785