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Other Duties As Assigned

03/29/2024 01:24:29 PM


Sarah Jew, Director of Community Engagement

So, what does a Director of Community Engagement do? It's no joke when I say "a little bit of everything." The most recent version of my job description includes duties revolving around member onboarding and engagement, communications through our calendar, email lists, website, and social media, program development, and logistical support for events. I truly love what I do and feel so lucky I get to give back to the community I grew up in by doing these things and so much more.

Did you know I've been on payroll at CBI since 2008?! At the time, I was a 16 year old helping in a religious school classroom. Since then, I've been a first grade religious school teacher, part-time receptionist, part-time preschool lunch caterer, Education Coordinator, and for the last three years I've had the privilege of being the Director of Community Engagement. As a college dropout, I've learned everything I know on the job, from my colleagues, and through opportunities to engage in professional development.

Program and Engagement Professionals of Reform Judaism- PEP RJ, is the professional association I belong to, and the PEP RJ annual conference is what took me to Baltimore at the beginning of this month. The mission of PEP RJ is to strengthen congregations by supporting the professional development of congregational programming/engagement professionals. 

A few sessions I attended over the long weekend were focused on topics such as Leading with your whole self and the importance of setting boundaries, Membership onboarding best practices, identifying core values of the congregation, and personal vision boarding (I love any chance at doing any art project!)

I was excited to return to CBI and report back on things I had learned. I had typed up all my notes from the conference before I was back In Austin!

When I did return, and was reflecting back on the great time I had, I realized that my biggest takeaway had nothing to do with any of the sessions I attended.

It was finding my community of PEPRJ’ers who understand me. People that felt like family after the first time I met them. I now have friends in Nashville, Philly, Atlanta, Chicago, and beyond. I can call on them when a fresh perspective or new idea is needed. They can truly relate to what I go through day-to-day on the job. In line with some major themes of the conference, I've "filled my toolbox" with great professional contacts and "filled my well" with really meaningful relationships.

Something as simple as a piece of swag in my welcome kit (see the accompanying photo of the PEP RJ cup) let me know from the start that I would feel seen and heard over the weekend. I immediately sent the photo to my colleagues who requested we order one for each CBI staff person. laugh

When you work in a synagogue everything is related to community- it is the essence of what makes a congregation. The list of “other duties as assigned” for someone with a title such as Director of Community Engagement could be never ending!

Programs and Engagement and Membership and Communications and…


Shabbat Shalom!


Fri, May 3 2024 25 Nisan 5784